Micronaut Apprentice

Micronaut HTTP Client

Learn how to use Micronaut low-level HTTP Client. Simplify your code with the declarative HTTP client.

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Error Handling

Learn about Error handling in Micronaut.

Gradle Read
Maven Read

Creating your first Micronaut Graal application

Learn how to create a Hello World Micronaut GraalVM application.

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Maven Read

@Configuration and @ConfigurationBuilder

Learn how to utilize @Configuration and @ConfigurationBuilder annotations to effectively configure declared properties.

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Maven ReadReadRead

Send Emails from Micronaut

Learn how to send emails with AWS SES and SendGrid from a Micronaut app and leverage @Requires annotation to load beans conditionally.

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Maven ReadRead

Schedule periodic tasks inside your Micronaut applications

Learn how to schedule periodic tasks inside your Micronaut microservices.

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Maven ReadReadRead

Creating your first Micronaut app

Learn how to create a Hello World Micronaut app with a controller and a functional test.

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Data Access

Access a database with MyBatis

Learn how to access a database with MyBatis using Micronaut.

Gradle Read
Maven Read

Access a database with JPA and Hibernate

Learn how to access a database with JPA and Hibernate using Micronaut.

Gradle Read
Maven Read


Micronaut Cache

Learn how to use Micronaut's caching annotations

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Maven ReadReadRead


RabbitMQ and Micronaut - Event driven applications

Use RabbitMQ to communicate your Micronaut apps.

Gradle Read
Maven Read

RabbitMQ RPC and Micronaut

Use RabbitMQ RPC to use request-reply pattern in your Micronaut applications.

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Maven Read

Micronaut Security

Micronaut JWT authentication via Cookies

Learn how to secure a Micronaut app using JWT (JSON Web Token) based authentication where the JWT tokens are transported via Cookies.

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Maven ReadReadRead

Session based authentication

Learn how to secure a Micronaut app using Session based authentication.

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Secure a Micronaut app with Github

Learn how to create Micronaut app and secure it with an Authorization Server provided by Github. Learn how to write your own UserDetails Mapper.

Gradle Read
Maven Read

Micronaut Token Propagation

Learn how to leverage token propagation in Micronaut to simplify your code while keeping your microservices secure.

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Maven Read

Micronaut JWT Authentication

Learn how to secure a Micronaut app using JWT (JSON Web Token) Authentication.

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Maven ReadReadRead

Secure a Micronaut app with Cognito

Learn how to create Micronaut app and secure it with an Authorization Server provided by Cognito.

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Maven Read

Micronaut Basic Auth

Learn how to secure a Micronaut app using 'Basic' HTTP Authentication Scheme.

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Maven ReadReadRead

Secure a Micronaut app with Okta

Learn how to create Micronaut app and secure it with an Authorization Server provided by Okta.

Gradle Read
Maven Read

Secure a Micronaut app with Google

Learn how to create Micronaut app and secure it with Google and provide authentication with OpenID Connect

Gradle Read
Maven Read

Secure a Micronaut app with LinkedIn

Learn how to create Micronaut app and authenticate with LinkedIn

Gradle Read
Maven Read

Service Discovery

Consul and Micronaut - Microservices service discovery

Use Consul service discovery to expose your Micronaut apps.

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Maven ReadReadRead

Eureka and Micronaut - Microservices service discovery

Use Netflix Eureka service discovery to expose your Micronaut apps.

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Maven ReadReadRead

Distributed Tracing

Microservices distributed tracing with Jaeger and Micronaut

Use Jaeger distributed tracing to investigate the behaviour of your Micronaut apps.

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Maven ReadReadRead

Microservices distributed tracing with Zipkin and Micronaut

Use Zipkin distributed tracing to investigate the behaviour of your Micronaut apps.

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Maven ReadReadRead


Using Kotlin Extension Functions in Micronaut

Take a tour of the extension functions in Micronaut and learn to write your own

Gradle Read
Maven Read


Micronaut AWS Parameter Store

Learn how to use AWS Parameter for Configuration Discovery in a Micronaut application.

Gradle Read
Maven Read

Micronaut + Microsoft Azure

Deploy a Micronaut app to Microsoft Azure

Learn how to deploy a Micronaut application to Microsoft Azure.

Maven Read