Use Jaeger distributed tracing to investigate the behaviour of your Micronaut applications.
Use Jaeger distributed tracing to investigate the behavior of your Micronaut applications.
Tags: tracing-opentelemetry-http, http-client, distributed_tracing, distributed-tracing, tracing-opentelemetry-exporter-otlp, management, reactor, jaeger, validation, retry, yaml Use AWS X-Ray distributed tracing to investigate the behavior of your Micronaut applications.
Tags: testcontainers, distributed-tracing, reactor, xray, dynamodb, ksuid, http-client, distributed_tracing, open-telemetry, tracing-opentelemetry-xray, management, aws, validation, retry, yaml Use Zipkin distributed tracing to investigate the behaviour of your Micronaut applications.
Tags: http-client, distributed_tracing, distributed-tracing, zipkin, management, graalvm, tracing-zipkin, reactor, validation, retry, yaml Use Zipkin distributed tracing to investigate the behavior of your Micronaut applications.
Use Consul service discovery to expose your Micronaut applications.
Tags: http-client, serialization-jackson, discovery-consul, management, graalvm, consul, reactor, service_discovery, validation, service-discovery, retry, yaml Use Netflix Eureka service discovery to expose your Micronaut applications.
Tags: http-client, serialization-jackson, eureka, discovery-eureka, graalvm, reactor, service_discovery, netflix, validation, service-discovery, retry, yaml Learn how to use Client Credentials Flow between Micronaut microservices with an Authorization Server provided by Auth0.
Tags: security-jwt, client_credentials, auth0, reactor, oauth2, oidc, client-credentials, security-oauth2, http-client, security, serialization-jackson, management, graalvm, retry, yaml Learn how to use Client Credentials Flow between Micronaut microservices with an Authorization Server provided by Amazon Cognito.
Tags: security-jwt, client_credentials, auth0, reactor, oauth2, oidc, client-credentials, security-oauth2, http-client, security, serialization-jackson, management, graalvm, retry, yaml