
This guide shows how to build with the Micronaut Framework a chat application such as the Rails application demonstrated in the Hotwire announcement screencast.
Learn how to generate thumbnails for images uploaded to an S3 bucket with AWS Lambda and the Micronaut framework
How to create a custom constraint annotation for validation in your Micronaut application
Learn how to access a database with MyBatis using the Micronaut framework.
Learn how to create a LDAP and a database authentication provider in a Micronaut Application.
Learn how to use EclipseStore as a high-performance persistence layer.
Learn how to send emails with Amazon SES from a Micronaut application
Learn how to send emails with SendGrid from a Micronaut application
Learn how to download an Excel file with the Micronaut framework and Spreadsheet Builder library.
Learn how to a leverage Java records for immutable configuration, Micronaut Data Mapped Entities and Projection DTOs
Expose endpoints using JAX-RS annotations in a Micronaut application
Learn how to access a database with JPA and Hibernate using the Micronaut framework.
Learn how to use the Liquibase to manage your schema migrations.
Learn how to collect standard and custom metrics with the Micronaut framework.
Learn how to collect standard and custom metrics with the Micronaut framework and monitor them on Amazon Cloudwatch.
Learn how to collect standard and custom metrics with the Micronaut framework and monitor them on Oracle Cloud.
Learn how to use MicroStream as a high-performance persistence layer.
Learn how to generate an OpenAPI Specification of your Micronaut Application at build time and generate it as well in Asciidoc format
Learn how to generate a Declarative Micronaut Client API from an OpenAPI definition and how to use it in your application
Learn how to write an OpenAPI definition, use it to generate a server template for a Micronaut application, and get it all to work
Learn how to generate an OpenAPI Specification of your Micronaut Application at build time and visualize it Swagger-UI
Learn how to send an email with Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Email Delivery using the Micronaut framework.
Use RabbitMQ RPC to use request-reply pattern in your Micronaut applications.
Learn about the available scopes: Singleton, Prototype, Request, Refreshable, Context...
Learn how to secure a Micronaut application using JWT (JSON Web Token) Authentication.
Learn how to secure a Micronaut application using Database authentication.
Write an application using Spring Boot annotations and compute it into a Micronaut application at compilation time.
Learn how to expose static resources such as CSS or images in a Micronaut Framework application.
Build a chat application by exposing a WebSocket Server with the Micronaut Framework