
Expose the exact version of code that your application is running.
This guide shows how to build with the Micronaut Framework a chat application such as the Rails application demonstrated in the Hotwire announcement screencast.
Learn how to use Micronaut caching annotations
Learn how to create a secured Micronaut application and authenticate with OpenID Connect in Oracle Cloud.
Learn how to create secrets in Oracle Cloud Vault and easily access them in a Micronaut application.
Learn how to utilize @Configuration and @ConfigurationBuilder annotations to effectively configure declared properties.
Learn how to configure Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) in a Micronaut application.
Learn how to use DynamoDB as your persistence solution in a Micronaut Application.
Learn how to send emails with Amazon SES from a Micronaut application
Learn how to send emails with SendGrid from a Micronaut application
Learn how to a leverage Java records for immutable configuration, Micronaut Data Mapped Entities and Projection DTOs
Use Kafka to communicate between your Micronaut applications.
Learn how to use the Liquibase to manage your schema migrations.
Learn how to use MicroStream as a high-performance persistence layer.
Learn how to use a non-blocking reactive streams MongoDB client with a Micronaut application
Learn how to use a blocking MongoClient with a Micronaut application
Learn how to use Mosquitto as an MQTT broker, create a Micronaut CLI application and publish an MQTT topic, and subscribe to the MQTT topic in a different Micronaut Messaging application.
Learn how to create a Micronaut application and secure it with an Authorization Server provided by Auth0.
Learn how to use Client Credentials Flow between Micronaut microservices with an Authorization Server provided by Auth0.
Learn how to use Client Credentials Flow between Micronaut microservices with an Authorization Server provided by Amazon Cognito.
Learn how to create a Micronaut application and secure it with an Authorization Server provided by Cognito.
Learn how to create a Micronaut application and secure it with an Authorization Server provided by Github. Learn how to write your own Authentication Mapper.
Learn how to create a Micronaut application and secure it with an Authorization Server provided by Keycloak.
Learn how to create a Micronaut application and secure it with Google and provide authentication with OpenID Connect
Learn how to upload and retrieve files from Amazon S3 using the Micronaut Object Storage API
Learn how to upload and retrieve files from Google Cloud Storage using the Micronaut Object Storage API
Learn how to upload and retrieve files from Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Object Storage using the Micronaut Object Storage API
Learn how to send an email with Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Email Delivery using the Micronaut framework.
Use RabbitMQ RPC to use request-reply pattern in your Micronaut applications.
Learn how to secure a Micronaut application using an API Key.
Learn how to secure a Micronaut application using JWT (JSON Web Token) based authentication where the JWT tokens are transported via Cookies.
Learn how to expose a keys endpoint with primary and secondary JSON Web Key (JWK)
Learn how to secure a Micronaut application using Session based authentication.
Learn how to implement mutual authentication using SSL and X.509 certificates.
Write an application using Spring Boot annotations and compute it into a Micronaut application at compilation time.
Learn how to leverage token propagation in the Micronaut framework to simplify your code while keeping your microservices secure.
Build a chat application by exposing a WebSocket Server with the Micronaut Framework